Thursday, September 24, 2009

Deval Patrick's likely Senate pick raises "serious concerns"

From the Boston Herald;

The Kennedy-backed pick for interim senator - a Beltway insider who could enjoy a lifetime pass to the Senate floor - has deep ties to special interests, sitting on a board that oversees a health-insurance provider and having lobbied for the pharmaceutical industry, the Herald has learned.

“Obviously, this is a conflict of interest and raises serious concerns,” Craig Holman of the non-partisan watchdog Public Citizen, said of the potential appointment of Paul G. Kirk Jr. to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s seat. “It is distressing. There were many qualified people.”

Former Gov. Michael S. Dukakis is also considered a leading candidate, though critics say he carries political baggage that could reflect poorly on Gov. Deval Patrick in his own 2010 race. Last night, Patrick refused to tip his hand on his choice for the job. But Patrick confirmed he is submitting a letter to Secretary of State William Galvin declaring an emergency so he can act now instead of waiting 90 days for the law to take effect. He declined to comment on Republican protests that there is no emergency

Full story

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