Thursday, September 3, 2009

City Council approves raising of Medford meals tax - Medford, MA - Medford Transcript

Looks like the fix was in, Mayor McGlynn rammed through his business killing tax hike, promising $175,ooo in new business based upon a liberal, state-funded study, when in truth, he will cost Medford restaraunteers at least that much in lost business. The unannounced meeting in the early morning hours was minus 3 City Counciors, with President Breanna Lungo-Koehn, and CouncilorsPaul Camuso, Fred Dello Russo and Stephanie Muccini Burke voting unanimously to hike our taxes during a recession. Any less transparent and any more unrepresenative of the people, I'd think Barrack Obama had put this deal together.

Hey, Mayor McGlynn, make sure you take your Deval Patrick bumper stickers when you drive over the border to other towns to avoid your new tax. Wouldn't want to see you ducking the Channel 7 cameras all day like Representative Rodriguez.

City Council approves raising of Medford meals tax - Medford, MA - Medford Transcript

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