Friday, August 14, 2009

Update: New meal tax to be crammed through at next City Council meeting

Apparently, the new .75 percent local meals tax hike requested by the Mayor will be rubberstamped post-haste on Tuesday night, at 7PM at City Hall. What is the rush for Mayor McGlynn to enact this .75 percent local meal tax without any chance of debate? Is he trying to emulate President Obama with his Cap and Trade, Stimulus, and Health Care tactics, ie, rush the new spending through before voters have a chance to protest?

The Medford City Council has been asked by the Mayor to approve this new tax hike on Tuesday night, August 18th, at 7PM in the weekly City Council meeting. This story was just made available to the public today, on Friday, August 14th, during the day of the week that people read the least amount of news. What a coincidence.

Studies show time and again that tax hikes reduce economic activity, not increase it, and despite the repeatedly disproven claims of Democrat tax and spenders, these new taxes almost never lead to more revenue generated for the city, state or fed. The business that local Medford restaurants will soon lose to neighboring towns will be lost for years, all due to a legislative decision that was crammed through in 3 days when nobody was looking.

This is very shady behavior from our local Democrats that is startlingly similar to the behavior of our elitist, out-of-touch, spend-crazed federal Democrats. The public should have ample time to review and debate any new taxes that will negatively impact us all

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