Saturday, August 22, 2009

New poll, 52% of Massachusetts voters support Kennedy hypocrisy

Even the typically soft-on-Kennedy Boston Herald had to admit, Kennedy's last minute ditch effort to secure communism for future generations by re-rigging the game in Massachusetts was high hypocrisy. Kennedy led the charge to change the Senate appointment rules in 2004 foolishly thinking the fraudulent John Kerry would be President. Now on death's door, Kennedy wants the rules changed back so that our far left governor can appoint a replacement by fiat and avoid the special elections of the 2004 legislation.

More surprisingly, a Rasmussen poll today showed that 52% of voters support this new measure. What is wrong with this state? Are there really that few of us left here that work for a living that this constant abuse from lawmakers is not just accepted, but welcomed?

Very disconcerting that liberty and democracy are in such a sad state here in the state of John and Sam Adams, Paul Revere, John Hanckock, John Glover and Elbridge Gerry.

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