Monday, July 20, 2009

Massachusetts turns to rationing healthcare, America soon to follow

Now that Massachusetts has been a one-party state since 2006, and turned Mitt Romney's healthcare plan into universal health care, the system is collapsing. So, the state is going to try rationing healthcare, which is inevitable in state-run socialized medicine(Romney's plan had more of a private-sector component/influence, which Deval Patrick and the Democrat supermajority have quickly removed from the plan). This makes the claims by Barrack Obama sound even more disingenuous than they already do. Yes, Obamacare will lead to higher taxes across the board. Yes, Obamacare will crush all private-sector competition. And, yes, Obamacare will lead to rationing of health care, just as it is in Canada and across Europe today.

Obama and the TOTUS(Teleprompter of The United States) can hold daily press conferences denying reality all they want, but Massachusetts and California are both irrefutable proof of the ruin Barrack Obama has in store for the other 48 states in the union if Republicans don't stop him.
-Medford GOP

Mass. Pushes Rationing to Control Universal Healthcare Costs
Written by Thomas R. Eddlem

A 10-member Massachusetts state healthcare advisory board unanimously recommended that the state begin rationing healthcare to keep the state’s marquee universal health care program afloat financially.

The July 16 recommendations, the Boston Globe explained, would result in a situation where “patients could find it harder to get procedures they want but are of questionable benefit if doctors are operating within a budget. And they might find it more difficult to get care wherever they want, if primary doctors push to keep patients within their accountable care organization.”

The Globe stressed that the recommendations would “dramatically change how doctors and hospitals are paid, essentially putting providers on a budget as a way to control exploding healthcare costs and improve the quality of care.” "Budget" is a more politically acceptable word for rationing. The Globe also noted that “consumer advocates said patients are going to have to be educated about the new system.” Yes, apparently they will have to get used to having their healthcare rationed.

Full story

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