Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Earl Henry Sholley, Fiscal Conservative, Announces Candidacy for Massachusetts 4th District U.S. Congress

Earl Henry Sholley, a successful businessman and Norfolk, MA resident, has formally announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress representing the Massachusetts 4th Congressional District. "I understand the many problems facing the citizens of the 4th District, economic uncertainty and high unemployment. As a fiscal conservative, I will actively represent the 4th District and work to create jobs and eliminate wasteful government spending."

Norfolk, MA July 2, 2009 -- Earl Henry Sholley, a staunch Fiscal Conservative and Republican Candidate for the Massachusetts 4th Congressional District, filed with the F.E.C. on June 15, 2009, officially establishing his candidacy for the U.S. House seat currently held by incumbent, Democrat Barney Frank. Sholley has worked as a community activist, specifically in the areas of race relations and legal reform. He has lobbied extensively for budget transparency and better use of tax dollars, legal reform and judicial accountability. He has been a guest on venues across the country, including CBS this Morning and National Public Radio. Active in the State Republican Party, Earl has served as a delegate to both the state and national conventions. He holds a BS in History from the University of Scranton, a BS in Plant and Soil Sciences from the University of Massachusetts, and has studied at the University of Madrid, Spain. No stranger to public service, Earl has served in the Peace Corp as well as the U.S. Army, where he achieved the rank of Sergeant, receiving awards for leadership and management.

One of the key issues Earl Sholley will tackle is real tax relief with less government intervention and spending. "The people of the district are tired of career politicians who use their position to advance their own personal agenda. I promise to make the concerns of the people my first priority. I look forward to working with the people of the 4th District to find real solutions to the problems that affect our district and the nation."

Sholley is also a proponent of Academic Excellence in Education, a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and a Right to Life Catholic. He believes that Marriage, a term holding religious connotations, should be defined as an institution between one man and one woman. Earl is also is a supporter of term limits for members of the U.S. House and Senate. Earl Henry Sholley will bring his ethical, diverse background, and strong business and fiscal experience to bear for the 4th District. "I promise to serve all the people of the District, if given the honor and opportunity to serve in the U.S. Congress."

Sholley, a native of Pennsylvania, and son of an ore minor, lost his father in a mining accident. His mother, a federal supervisor for the US Army, remarried a hard-working union man, who worked first in the mines and then for management at Bethlehem Steel. Sholley credits his parents for instilling his values of hard work, education, a love of God and country and dedication to service. Additionally, he formed a unique perspective and ability to see both sides of issues relative to labor and management. "I believe at some point we all have to see ourselves as Americans." Sholley, a widower, is the proud father of two very successful daughters. He is an avid runner and biker, competing in marathons, and he is also a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club, Eagle Scout Association, K of C, NRA, and the American Legion.

For more in-depth information on how Earl Sholley will work for the 4th District, visit: http;//www.sholleyforcongress.us, or to arrange a meeting with Earl Sholley to speak at a group event, or for general questions, contact: Lisa Camp, Campaign Manager, directly at 774-328-9850.

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