Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Romney to Obama - hold apology

Obama, hold apology
World owes U.S. thanks

By Mitt Romney Tuesday, June 2, 2009 http://www.bostonherald.com Op-Ed
Just a few days from now, we will mark the 65th anniversary of D-Day. I’m sure some of you have been to Normandy. I have. I saw the acre upon acre of crosses and stars that mark the resting place of those who gave the last full measure of devotion to their country’s cause. They were sent by an awakened American nation to liberate a continent. In the shadow of World War II’s desolation, they resolutely shouldered the burden of defending freedom.

That burden did not end with that war. Because of what America did in the 20th century, there are hundreds of millions of people around the world who now live in freedom - who, but for the price paid by the United States, would have lived in despair. I know of no other such example of national selflessness. That is why America is the hope of the earth.

That is also why I take issue with President Barack Obama’s recent tour of apology. It’s not because America hasn’t made mistakes - we have - but because America’s mistakes are overwhelmed by what America has meant to the hopes and aspirations of people throughout the world.

The president claimed on Arabic TV that America has dictated to other nations. No, America has sacrificed to free other nations from dictators. With all that is transpiring in the world - in Iran, North Korea, Georgia, Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan - this is the time for strength and confidence, not for apologizing to America’s critics.

Full column

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