Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Democrats lay groundwork to tax internet

Democrats will now control the tobacco, automobile, and internet markets. By Dick Morris' calculations, the government now controls 40% of the American economy(up from 30% in January), and after the healthcare hijack, will own 47%. The German government only controls 46% of their economy by contrast. Obamunism is spreading, and economic stimulus is not it's goal.

From Congress.org;

Freshman Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) filed the bill after some providers tested plans to charge customers more if they download video or otherwise use a lot of bandwidth. The companies argue that the increasing popularity of online video is taxing their ability to provide Internet service and that increased regulation could lead to higher prices for other customers.

The bill, H.R. 2902, would allow the Federal Trade Commission to review whether the pricing plans are fair.

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