Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Somerville Congressman Capuano proposes 60 cent per gallon gas tax

Democratic Congressman Michael Capuano of Somerville recently said he's "in favor of significantly increasing the federal gas tax.”

He told the Boston Herald he supports an increase in order to fund pothole repairs and construction on unsafe bridges.

Between federal and state taxes, Massachusetts drivers are already paying 41.9 cents in tax per gallon of gasoline.

The governor’s proposed 19-cent increase to the state gas tax would means Bay State drivers would be taxed the highest in the country – at 60 cents per gallon.

Some local drivers told 22News they can’t fathom paying a higher gas tax.

“I was just getting gas and I saw the price and I couldn’t believe the fact that we still don't have the tax levied on it that we're talking about. It's gone up pretty heavily already,” Josselyn Winter of Springfield said.

Full story

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