Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Markey opposes troop funding, Kerry and Kennedy AWOL from Senate on early holiday

John Kerry and Ted Kennedy have apparently decided to get a head start on their Memorial Day holidays, costing the Obama administration a key appointment, and Ed Markey makes a strong, principled stand for bigger government, voting in favor of further federalizing our bloated education system, but voting against funding our troops in the field in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Recent Senate Votes

Cloture Motion; Nomination of David Hayes to be Deputy Secretary of the Interior - Vote Rejected (57-39, 3 Not Voting)The Senate failed to get the sixty votes required to bring the nomination of David Hayes to a full vote, making him the first Obama appointee whose nomination has been stopped on the Senate floor. The nomination will likely be brought up again later in the year.

Sen. Edward Kennedy voted Not Voting......send e-mail or see bio
Sen. John Kerry voted Not Voting......send e-mail or see bio

Recent House Votes
21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act - Vote Passed (275-155, 3 Not Voting)The House passed this bill that intends to modernize, renovate, and repair public school facilities.

Rep. Edward Markey voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

Supplemental Appropriations, FY 2009 - Vote Passed (368-60, 5 Not Voting)The House approved this bill to provide funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, security improvements in Pakistan and the national pandemic flu response.

Rep. Edward Markey voted NO

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