Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Medford Democrat sponsors bill to allow transvestites to use woman's public bathrooms

Mass. advocates debate transgender bathrooms

Associated Press Writer

Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, said women and children in Colorado, where a similar measure has passed, have begun to fear for their safety in bathrooms.

"Are we going to have to have the bathroom police to check everybody of a different gender that goes into the women's room?" Mineau said. "We certainly are against discrimination of any members of society, but that's not the issue here."

Massachusetts is the latest state to consider banning discrimination because of transgender status. New Hampshire recently killed legislation because of the fear that transgender individuals could use any bathroom, but is reconsidering its bill Wednesday.

Thirteen other states prohibit discrimination against people who identify themselves as a different gender. Laws also exist in the District of Columbia and 93 cities and counties, according to the Transgender Law Policy Institute.

State Rep. Carl Sciortino, D-Medford, filed the Massachusetts legislation and said it is long overdue because of high discrimination rates in the transgender community and a lack of legal protection.

Full story

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