Monday, April 6, 2009

Massachusetts stimulus money to go to unions

Chicago politics take over Massachusetts

A few quick questions for Governor Patrick and President Obama. First, with economic data showing that unionizing the punlic sector and auto industry has - paired with the redistribution of wealth through the Barney Frank FHA - led to the financial ruin of Detroit, Sacramento, Albany, and soon Boston, why is the so called Stimulus Plan spending so much time and energy in expanding unionization of the public sector? Second, if this is such a popular idea, why did the Patrick Administration launch this trial balloon over the weekend when political coverage is at it's lowest?

Americans and Bay Staters are starting to realize just what they have wrought bringing Chicago politics to our halls of power.

Mass. weighs labor agreements on stimulus projects

BOSTON — Massachusetts is weighing whether to require contractors bidding on certain federally funded stimulus projects to enter into deals with local unions.

The use of so-called "project labor agreements" would require contractors to negotiate with union officials, honor union wages and rules, and generally abide by collective bargaining agreements for a specific project.

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