Saturday, February 21, 2009

Draconian liberal "trash reform" coming to Medford

Lincoln: Improving commercial trash and recycling in Medford
By Tom Lincoln/
Fri Feb 20, 2009, 04:00 PM EST

Some background: The commission has been charged with three goals: increase the recycling rate; control (and perhaps reduce) solid waste (MSW) costs; and promote equity and fairness within and among beneficiaries of these services.

We are addressing all aspects of this broad landscape: commercial trash/recycling, residential trash/recycling, recycling in the schools and municipal buildings, and illegal dumping. Given the breadth of these issues, we are rolling out changes in stages.

Commercial trash and recycling are first; residential recycling initiatives will be announced early next month.

The statewide recycling average is 30 percent of total tonnage; Medford recycled 13.4 percent of total tonnage in calendar 2008, including yard waste. Improvements are clearly needed.

Mandatory recycling of cardboard and paper of all types will begin on March 6. Pickups are weekly, every Friday.

Full story

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