Monday, January 5, 2009

Massachusetts GOP rising star, Scott Brown

Party sees signs of hope in Wrentham's Scott Brown

By Mark Arsenault
Boston Globe Correspondent

In a Democratic election year, in this deeply blue Democratic state, Brown won 59 percent of the vote in the Senate's Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex District, against 41 percent for his Democratic opponent, Needham psychologist Sara Orozco.

That kind of margin is why Brown is billed as a possible up-and-comer for the Massachusetts GOP.

"If Scott chooses to move up, he certainly has a solid base to work from," said the state Republican Party chairman, Peter Torkildsen. "I would encourage him to look at it."

Brown is vague about his aspirations for higher office. "In 2010, it's hard to say. A lot of things could happen. You have Senator Kennedy" battling brain cancer, "and God forbid anything happens to him. There is going to be redistricting, which could create opportunities.

"I'm not closing the door to anything, but I'm not actively looking, either. I enjoy my job. We have a lot of very real challenges."

Full story

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