Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hub Politics Interviews Joe Manzoli, Candidate for Mass GOP Chair

by The Editors, January 16th, 2007 at 12:06pm

Hub Politics recently had the opportunity to interview Joe Manzoli, who is now running for chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party. The interview was conducted via email, and is part of Hub Politics’ coverage of the Mass GOP Chairman race.

HUB POLITICS: Why do you want to be chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party?

JOE MANZOLI: With over 30 years experience in helping to elect Republicans, I had a choice, to jump on a life boat and watch the ship sink or take control and stir the party in the right direction. I chose to take the later.

HUB POLITICS: What do you see are the weaknesses of the Massachusetts Republican Party that you will have to address as Chairman?

JOE MANZOLI: We have lost our base. We have no clear message as a party. We have forgotten how to attract, recruit and elect candidates for public office.

I intend to open up our party using the fundamentals of the preamble of our by-laws. I can not say it any better than The Republican Party is the Party of the open door. Ours is the Party of equality of opportunity for all and favoritism for none. It is the intent and purpose of these by-laws to encourage the broadest possible participation of all voters in Republican Party activities at all levels and to assure that the Republican Party is open, accessible to all, and answerable ultimately to the people in the true American tradition.

It is the further purpose of these by-laws to ensure that the Republican Party stands for the principle that we are the Party open to all, we are also the Party of opportunity for all: opportunity for every one of every race, religion, color, national origin, age and sex.

These by-laws provide for full participation with equal opportunity for men and women, for minorities and heritage groups, and for all Americans regardless of age or social or economic status.

These by-laws mandate that the Republican Party shall be a state-wide Party, purposeful and strong in all counties, cities, towns and neighborhoods of the Commonwealth.

Full story

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