Monday, December 15, 2008

MegaVote for Massachusetts' 7th Congressional District

Recent Senate Votes
Cloture Motion; Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2008 - Vote Rejected (52-35, 12 Not Voting)

The Senate failed to get the necessary sixty votes to move forward on this bill, which leaders intended to attach auto financing and restructuring legislation.

Sen. Edward Kennedy voted Not Voting......send e-mail or see bio
Sen. John Kerry voted Not Voting......send e-mail or see bio

Recent House Votes
Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act - Vote Passed (237-170, 1 Present, 26 Not Voting)

On Wednesday, the House passed a $15 billion bill to provide the “Big Three” American auto companies with short-term loans.

Rep. Edward Markey voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

MegaVote is powered by Capitol Advantage © 2008.

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