Thursday, December 11, 2008

Donato, other Democrats back raising meal taxes, hotel taxes, taxing internet and phone use

I thought these types of ancillary taxes were supposed to be curtailed by Massachusetts voters foolishly defeating Question 1? Insanity; electing the same people over and over again, and expecting different results.

New state commission seeks increased taxation
By Rob Barry/
Medford -

With the burgeoning national financial crisis causing the state to offer less and less support to its municipalities, a new legislative commission is looking into ways to get some tax relief to communities like Medford.

The Municipal Relief Commission met last week with a number of organizations and associations and heard from mayors, teachers, superintendents and others about the lack of local aid.

“We heard from many of the people throughout the community,” said Rep. Paul Donato, D-Medford, who is heading the committee. “All the local organizations indicated that in order for this commission to do its job, the best approach would be to review the local option for meals tax, room tax and the taxing of poles and wires throughout the commonwealth.”

Donato said of these, increasing the room tax would be most reasonable. Currently, the city taxes patrons of a hotel like the Hyatt 3 percent of the cost of their room. The commission is looking into tacking on an additional 2 percent.

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