Monday, October 20, 2008

Republican is ready to challenge Kerry

GOP candidate says he can provide change for Mass.
Boston Metro

As the November election approaches, many voters are seeking change in the government.

Republican Jeff Beatty, who is looking to unseat U.S. Sen. John Kerry, hopes to be part of that change. His background rests heavily in security-based operations. In college he was in the ROTC and was a card carrying Teamster before joining the Army, where he served in the elite Delta Force. He was also a member of the FBI and CIA prior to creating the company, which he ran for a dozen years until the end of 2007.

Beatty decided to run for Senate because he believes that Kerry poorly represents Massachusetts in Washington, citing Kerry’s decision-making process and previous affiliations to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as corrupt.

“This is just wrong,” said Beatty, “It is wrong to be working for special interests and not for the interests of the voters in Massachusetts.” If elected, he plans to bring jobs back to Massachusetts by putting strings on federal funding and lowering state taxes to bring more businesses in.

He also wants reform the Treasury Department and take back assets executives have received to help homeowners.

“Voters are ready to replace Senator Kerry, but not with another millionaire, they want somebody who understands their life,” said Beatty.

“I think we’re going to win this election because on Nov. 4, when people go to the voting booth they’ll ask themselves a question: who do I trust to protect my family, job and country?”

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