Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jeff Beatty - "I would have voted against the bailout"

By Donna O'Neil
GateHouse News Service
Posted Oct 07, 2008 @ 12:25 PM

Wakefield — Jeff Beatty, the 56-year-old Harwich Republican who is making a bid to unseat incumbent U.S. Senator John Kerry, said he would not have voted for the economic bailout package.

“It’s more of a package of political cover than recovery for families and Main Street,” said Beatty.

“Kerry voted for it so that he can kick the can down the street a little past the election,” he said, noting that Massachusetts Democratic representatives William Delahunt and Stephen Lynch voted against the bailout.

“Kerry voted to protect his friends and his financial interests - to protect his $2 million in AIG stock,” Beatty said. “He’s not protecting families and jobs. Look at Wall Street. Wall Street didn’t like the bailout. That is obvious.”

Recently Beatty walked in a parade in Roslindale. He said there were two issues parade goers were most interested in — the bailout and the energy crisis.

In a recent interview, Beatty pointed out four specific issues that he will work to resolve, if elected, now that the bailout package has been passed.

“We have to get the money back from the executives — the tens of millions of dollars they took while they were building their houses of cards,” he said. “The $700 billion represents $7,500 per household or $2,500 per individual. That’s a lot of money that we are on the hook for now. We need to get the money back.”

Full story

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