Tuesday, September 23, 2008

MegaVote for Massachusetts' 7th Congressional District

National Defense Authorization Act - Vote Passed (88-8, 4 Not Voting)The Senate passed this bill that authorizes defense spending, including a 3.9% pay raise for those serving in the military.

Sen. Edward Kennedy voted Not Voting......send e-mail or see bio

Sen. John Kerry voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

Recent House Votes
Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act - Vote Passed (236-189, 9 Not Voting)The House passed this bill that seeks to reduce foreign oil dependence and enhance national security through clean and renewable alternative technologies.

Rep. Edward Markey voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

National Capital Security and Safety Act - Vote Passed (266-152, 1 Present, 14 Not Voting)The House passed this bill to require the District of Columbia Council to widen the rights of gun ownership to its residents.

Rep. Edward Markey voted NO.

Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act - Vote Passed (283-133, 17 Not Voting)The House passed a bill requiring the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to subject the overseas trading of US energy and agricultural commodities to the same regulations and reporting requirements which domestic trades are subjected.

Rep. Edward Markey voted YES.

No Child Left Inside Act of 2008 - Vote Passed (293-109, 31 Not Voting)This bill to improve environmental education programs passed the House on Thursday.

Rep. Edward Markey voted YES.

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