Wednesday, September 17, 2008

MegaVote for Massachusetts' 7th Congressional District

Recent Senate VotesNational Defense Authorization Act, FY 2009 - Vote Agreed to (83-0, 17 Not Voting)The Senate voted to take up this bill authorizing defense spending for the next fiscal year.

Sen. Edward Kennedy voted Not Voting......send e-mail or see bio
Sen. John Kerry voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

Recent House VotesTo amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restore the Highway Trust Fund balance - Vote Passed (376-29, 28 Not Voting)On Thursday the House voted to restore $8 billion to the Highway Trust Fund Account.

Rep. Edward Markey voted YES......send e-mail or see bio

Upcoming VotesNational Defense Authorization Act, FY 2009 - S.3001The Senate is expected to work more on this defense spending authorization bill.

National Capital Security and Safety Act - H.R.6842The House is scheduled to vote on this bill that would require the District of Columbia to revise its firearms laws to comply with a recent Supreme Court decision, while protecting security interests.

No Child Left Inside Act of 2008 - H.R.3036The House is also scheduled to vote on this bill intended to get more children to participate in outdoor activities.

Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act - H.R.___The House is likely to vote on this energy bill that would allow most coastal states the option of off-shore drilling as close as 50 miles from their shores.

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