Thursday, August 21, 2008

Richard Grant's letter to the Medford Transcript

To the editor:
More of the same.
As usual, Mr. Casey doled out his usual vitriolic hate Bush drivel in the first half of his rant and used the second half as a half baked attempt to be fair and balanced. Unfortunately, his guise doesn’t work and we, the people, know what this hate monger is all about.

Rather than to say anything bad about his hero, Barrack Obama, he pretends to be fair by going after Keith Olberman. Nice try, but as Abraham Lincoln said very succinctly, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time”

Mr. Casey in his Bush hatred neglects to point out that since 9/11 we haven’t been attacked once. Even if he was half awake during social studies classes he would know that the president can’t spend a dime without congressional approval which, of course, is under Democratic rule.

I guess Casey would like our federal government to emulate the commonwealth of Massachusetts one party rule .

It is time to put the lights out on Mr. Casey as another of his heroes, Nancy Pelosi, did on the Republicans when they wanted to vote on more drilling for oil. Casey easily blames Bush for high oil prices, but when he tries to do something about it Reid and Pelosi spit into the faces of their constituents.

Richard A. Grant
Brookings Street

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