Monday, August 11, 2008

New taxes on the horizon

From the Boston Herald's Lone Republican;

August 11th, 2008
New taxes on the horizon
Posted by Holly Robichaud at 9:15 am

Today’s paper says that Governor Patrick is not ruling out higher taxes. Oh what a surprise from the guy who lied to Massachusetts voters about reducing our property taxes.

Let me make this simple for the Governor. As my good friend Jim Rappaport has said many times, “Massachusetts does not have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.”

Before raising our taxes maybe Governor Patrick should read today’s Herald about the usage of state cars. Oh no we cannot cut spending. That is not the Democratic way. In fact, we must look for ways to spend more and more. Just look at the $1 billion passed to help the bio-tech industry. However, in less than one month’s time the legislature sends a bill to the Governor’s desk that will limit the life sciences industry by discouraging clinical trials. It is a plan not a smart one.

I would also suggest the Governor visit the Herald’s site on state pensions. This system must be reformed. It is out of control.

If the Governor wants to avoid reforms and threaten us with higher taxes like Mike Dukakis, then I strongly believe that Massachusetts voters are going to hand him a huge surprise in November. At this point I predict that the income tax repeal will pass with 54% of the vote.

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