Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beatty Campaign Blitzes Blogosphere


Lays out path to victory in November and talks energy, jobs and immigration Boston – Using new media to reach a wider national and local audience, Republican candidate for Senate Jeff Beatty spoke to bloggers from across the country about the path the victory in November and the issues on the minds of Massachusetts voters. In wide ranging interviews over the weekend Beatty spoke with American Spectator, Hub Politics, Blogs for Victory, Down the Ticket, Part Time Pundit, Next Right, Weapons of Mass Discussion and Pajamas Media. Thousands of people have already visited, volunteered and donated through; this recent round of interviews is part of an ongoing effort to extend the campaign’s reach during the march to victory this November.

“Everywhere we go people are saying we need a senator focused on protecting our families, protecting our jobs and protecting our country. I’ve got a lifetime of experience that makes me uniquely qualified for the difficult times we face,” said Beatty during this series of ten back-to-back interviews. “John Kerry left Washington for a Nantucket vacation rather than vote on a comprehensive energy bill. Instead of ducking the hard votes people want real leadership in Washington – leadership I will bring to the senate on behalf of voters who are feeling the crunch on energy and the economy.”

Beatty also pointed to jobs and immigration as the top issues on voters’ minds, and of the enthusiasm throughout Massachusetts about his candidacy. Bloggers were eager to dissect a recent Suffolk University poll - the only organization to correctly call the New Hampshire Primary – saying that 51 percent of Commonwealth voters are ready for new leadership in the United States Senate.

Links to the interviews can be found here at

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