Monday, July 14, 2008

Bernard Green's letter to the Medford Transcript

July 19, 2008

To the editor:

It is fascinating that the Democrats, who claim they are the “party of the people” and for the “little guy,” have been the longest and most vociferous opponents of domestic drilling and additional nuclear power plants while the poor and disadvantaged whom they claim to champion are the ones to pay the heaviest price in unrelenting increased energy prices.

Unfortunately, our local representative in Congress, U.S. Congressman Edward Markey, has been one of the most outspoken against measures that would keep energy costs affordable for his constituents.

Edward Markey’s voting record on our energy needs speaks for itself. He voted for removing oil and gas exploration subsidies (January 2007); voted for keeping the moratorium on drilling for oil offshore (June 2006); voted against scheduling permitting for new refineries (June 2006); voted against authorizing construction of new oil refineries (October 2005); voted twice against the administration’s national energy policy (November 2003-June 2004); voted to preserve Alaska’s ANWAR instead of drilling it (February 2001) and for prohibiting oil drilling and development in ANWAR (August 2001).

He even voted for barring a Web site promoting a Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in May 2006. In 1987, Rep. Markey sided with the anti-nuke groups and sponsored a bill that would have effectively shut down the nation’s nuclear power industry. Fortunately, his colleagues in the House of Representatives killed the measure by a 261-160 vote.

Protecting the environment against further harm and cleaning up errors of the past is what new energy development and systems engineering should be about. Careful implantation of new technologies is important, but the present requires quicker fixes to restore a healthy economy, reduce energy and food costs and protect the health of the residents of the district for the fall and winter ahead.

Voters should not be held hostage for political gain. Delays now will seriously harm the people he claims to protect. He needs to act positively now to solve short-term needs and allow new development to proceed, or step aside.

Bernard J. Green

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